3 Child Developmental Milestones That Shouldn’t Be Ignored

Giving birth to a child is its own milestone!

Having a little one around who calls you mama and cuddles next to you in bed is a priceless feeling.
That’s why every parent beams with joy when their child takes their first step and utters their first word. So don’t hesitate when it comes to recording every second of their special moments; but also remember to cherish and celebrate them to the fullest.

Here’s a list of some of important milestones that you can’t afford to ignore.

Hand and finger movement

Right after a child is born, it’s common for the infant to hold their mother’s finger and refuse to let go. After some time, they start understanding how fingers coordinate and grasp objects. This is when children begin to pick up whatever comes their way.

After some time, children can pick up color pencils and move them up and down on the page to make specific patterns. Their grip on the crayon improves with time, and as they practice. At this time, it’s also important to prevent them from throwing things at strangers or poking themselves.

To help them practice their dexterity, hold their hand while they paint and show them the right way to do it.

Movement skills

Your child’s movement skills begin to develop when they take their first step, kick a ball, tip toe to the other side of the room, crawl across it, or mount a chair on their own. You can tell that these skills are advancing when your child stops staggering and tripping over.

This is the phase when your child needs the most attention. If your house is a double-story, you need to make sure the child is never left alone near the stairs.

Make sure you remove all the heavy objects from the child’s playing area. Also, remove any furniture that may hurt them while they crawl.

Language development

A child’s surroundings have a huge role to play in the language skills they acquire. In this regard, make sure you choose a school or child care development center that focuses on a healthy, interactive atmosphere.

Read your child their favorite bedtime stories and nursery rhymes. Speak to them even if they’re too young to understand what the words mean. Give them polite instructions and encourage them to use polite language. The kind of language you use in your home has a huge impact on the kind of language the child speaks.

The Whole Child Development Centeris a child care development center based in Lenexa that focuses on a child’s language and motor skills development as much as it does on academic development. Contact us now.
